Qiang Hu

Affiliations. RPCCC

With a strong foundation in bioinformatics and a proven track record in machine learning model development, I am dedicated to harnessing AI to drive advancements in healthcare. My expertise spans from programming and cloud computing to the innovative application of deep learning in genomic data analysis. I am keen to contribute my skills to develop transformative machine learning solutions.

Skill sets:

  • Languages: R, Python, SQL, bash, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, WorkFlow languages, …
  • Technologies: AI, Deep Learning, NLP, Linux, Cloud Computing, HPC, Docker, Spark, …

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selected publications

  1. Nat. Commun
    Intron retention is a hallmark and spliceosome represents a therapeutic vulnerability in aggressive prostate cancer
    Dingxiao Zhang, Qiang Hu, Xiaozhuo Liu, and 8 more authors
    Nature communications, 2020
  2. Bioinformatics
    Bioconductor toolchain for reproducible bioinformatics pipelines using Rcwl and RcwlPipelines
    Qiang Hu, Alan Hutson, Song Liu, and 2 more authors
    Bioinformatics, 2021